Good News Bible
[B1] A reliable modern translation of the Bible, easily understood by the reader, with illustrations and maps.
First published in 1976
Women of the Bible with Portraits from Classical Art
[B6] Twenty legendary women of the Bible and their stories.
Women of the Gospels
[B7] The women around Jesus and their role as guides for our own walk with him.
Bible Reading a Beginner’s Guide
[B15] How to enjoy the Bible, to read it by ourselves, discuss it with others, and how to share with new Christians.
Faith without Hostages: The Cross and Resurrection in our Lives Today
[B19] The themes of Lent and Holy Week and their relevance to our lives today.
Essential 100: Your Way into the Heart of the Bible
[B22] Discover the 'big picture' of the Bible, its relevance to daily life, and a relationship with God.
Loving the Old Testament
[B23] The importance of the Old Testament in relation to New Testament teaching and our 21st century experiences.

For Everyone Study Guides - Mark
[B24] Tom Wright was Bishop of Durham from 2003-10. He has written over 40 books, including the For Everyone guides to the New Testament.
When God Spoke English
[B25] A fast moving account of the accession of King James I of England - and the making of the King James Bible.
The Book of Revelation
[B27] A 20th century translation of the 1st century book which describes the close of all history in the last days.
Christian Disciplines
[B29] Helps us learn how God intends for us to live and shows us how God helps us grow to maturity.
Helen Roseveare, On His Majesty's Service
[C2] Suitable for 8 -14 year-olds , tells the story of Doctor Helen Roseveare and her life as a missionary in the Belgian Congo.
Click image for more detail.
Robert Murray McCheyne, Life is an Adventure
[C3] The story of Robert McCheyne, a young man who longed to bring others to the Saviour who had loved him.
Click image for more details.
Ten Boys Who Changed the World
[C4] Suitable for 7-12 year-olds. This re-tells the amazing and inspiring true stories in short, exciting chapters of the lives of 10 unlikely lads.
Click image for more details.
Ten Girls Who Changed the World
[C5] Suitable for 7-12 year-olds. This re-tells the amazing and inspiring true stories in short, exciting chapters of the lives of 10 women.
Click image for more details.
Ten Boys Who Used Their Talents
[C6] Suitable for 7-12 year-olds. Ten boys who grew to become successful men using the talents and gifts God had given them.
Click image for more details.
Ten Girls Who Used Their Talents
[C7] Suitable for 7-12 year-olds. Ten girls who grew to become successful women using the talents and gifts God had given them.
Click image for more details.
The Lion Children's Bible
[C8] Modernised to be clear and simple for children to read easily ... but never diminished by the updating ... the thread of God's purpose runs clearly but unobtrusively through.' Church Times