Groups & Activities

Sandleheath Messy Church: Once a month from 4-6pm on a Saturday in Sandleheath Church, Churches Together in Fordingbridge lead Messy Church. A way of being Church for families, involving fun, creativity, hospitality and celebration.

Messy Church at Hyde: Held on the 2nd Monday of the month at 3.30pm at Hyde Church Community Centre. A way of being Church for families and Primary School children, involving fun, creativity, hospitality and celebration. An array of crafts and activities are followed by a short Church Service and cooked meal.

There is a strong musical tradition across our churches, and various groups that you are able to join including: St Mary’s Church Choir, Hale’s Angels, Hyde Church Choir. We also have the Mustard Seed (our music group) and Bellringers. Everyone welcome! Please email office@avonvalleychurches.org.uk for details.
Allsorts Family Service: On the 1st Sunday of the month at 10:00am in St Mary’s Church, Fordingbridge. Come and join us for a friendly, informal family service.
Children at St Mary’s: During the 10:00am service at St Mary’s Church in Fordingbridge our group for children and young people takes place in the North Chapel. Children of all ages are welcome. Little ones may want to bring their parent/carer with them. Children leave the service part way through and return in time for the Eucharist. There is a dedicated area with toys and games for families to enjoy at all times in the service.

Pastoral Visitors: The pastoral visitors support parishioners by visiting and sharing home communion with those unable to get to church, including those in the residential homes in Fordingbridge. If you know of anyone who needs our support please contact pastoralcareleaders@avonvalleychurches.org.uk

Social: Throughout the year there are many different social events and activities across the Benefice - at 10:30-12:00 on the last Friday of every month St Boniface Church in Woodgreen has a Fairtrade coffee morning, on the first Tuesday of every month Sandleheath Church has a coffee morning & The Michaelmas Group meet regularly for various events.
Books to Borrow: our collection of Christian books is now housed at St Giles. Simply borrow and return when finished. Click the image for further details and a full list of available books.
Mission: Avon Valley Churches are actively involved in mission. The Christchurch Deanery has a longstanding link with the Kinkiizi Diocese in Uganda. Click on the photo above for more information.
Fairtrade & Coffee Mornings: At 10:30-12:00 on the last Friday of every month St Boniface Church in Woodgreen has a Fairtrade coffee morning & on the first Tuesday of every month, Sandleheath Church has a coffee morning. All welcome! Fairtrade stalls are also held regularly. During Covid restrictions join us at 11.15am for Zoom Coffee on the first Sunday of each month after the 10am Sunday Service. See Partners for Zoom links and password.
Trussell Trust Foodbank: We support the Trussell Trust Foodbanks in the local area. There is a trolley in St Mary’s Church in Fordingbridge which collects food for the Salisbury Food bank (click on photo for link).
The Fareshare Larder: For those struggling financially in need of fresh food, the Fareshare Larder Is held weekly on a Friday from 1.30-3pm at Avonway Community Centre, Fordingbridge. Please click photo for further details on how to sign up on our News page.
Bible Study: Join a supportive, friendly group at 11am on the first Thursday of the month on Zoom. Links and passwords can be found in Partners by clicking the image above. There are home study groups (see under Hyde church) and regular Alpha courses (see under News/Events).
Avon Valley Community Matters: This is a charity set up by our Church members to help reach those in our community who need it most. Click on the image above to find out about all our projects and how to support us if you can.

Curious about Church but wary about stepping inside? The Six O’ Clock is a new, friendly way to meet people and learn about faith. No experience required! Come alone or bring a friend or your family. Third Sunday of the month at St Mary's Church in Fordingbridge. All welcome!
News, Partners & Upcoming Event Posts
See our News Page, Partners and Upcoming Events for the latest updates on courses, meetings, groups and service information.