Screening of “The Chosen” Series 2 continues at Fordingbridge Town Hall. Book your free tickets here.
Past Event Posts
All are warmly invited to join the Churches of Fordingbridge & District as we worship together at a special Service of Christian Unity on Sunday 19th January 2025 at 10.30am at St Mary’s Church, Fordingbridge, SP6 1BB
Week of prayer for Christian Unity 2025 www.ctbi.org.uk/weekofprayer
'THE GREATEST GIFT' is a 'Drama with Carols' free to all. It is Fordingbridge's own, original & unique retelling of 'The Christmas Story', set in the context of Creation! It will be presented on stage, in the Fordingbridge Town Hall, at 6.00 pm on Friday 3rd January, and at 3.00 pm on Sunday 5th January.
Join us for a reflective Carol Service at St Giles in Godshill - followed by mince pies and mulled wine.
Please help us support the poorest workers in the world and their communities by buying fair trade goods.
Christian Aid is working in world trouble spots like Gaza and relies on gifts. There will be a Community Service at Hyde Village Hall on 20th October – this service is an informal “songs of praise” and we hope that many local residents will support it. All donations to Christian Aid. Speakers: Anitha Santharaj from Christian Aid and interview with Luke.
Free showings of episodes from "The Chosen" at Fordingbridge Town Hall. 7:30pm arrival for 8:00pm showing. Book free tickets here.
This is going to be a Great Evening, and a lot of fun, and we are nearly there! If you would like to come, please contact: sarah.perrelle@hotmail.co.uk for tickets before 24 September.
Do join us for our Tent Service at 10:00am on 30th June at Frogham Cross. There will be activities for the children and some lovely hymns - some accompanied by Hyde Band. who will be playing for us.
Church choir members Annette Young and Margaret Ward have swapped their choir robes for running gear and have registered to enter the Exbury Gardens 10k run on Sunday 23rd June to raise funds for St Mary’s church, Fordingbridge!
Please support them, if you can, by donating via the 'Donate with Card' link found on the AVC website: www.avonvalleychurches.org.uk/give
A Fair Trade Event will be held at the Hyde Church Community Centre on Saturday the 22nd June between 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Greetings Cards will be on sale along with craft items and groceries. Cream tea will be served.
This event will help support the poorest workers in the world and their communities.
St Mary’s Church, Fordingbridge, SP6 1BB
Parishes of Christchurch Deanery will be bringing along their ideas to share - what has worked well in your Parish, and might inspire another Parish to do something similar?
Free showing of the “The Wedding Gift” episode of The Chosen at Fordingbridge Town Hall On Saturday 8th June . 7:30pm arrival for 8:00pm showing. Book free tickets here.
Gardens will be open from 10:00 am to 1:00pm and from 2:00pm to 5:00pm.
Click HERE for maps and details of gardens.
Please join us as we pray with other Churches around the world for God’s Kingdom to come, here and around the world.
Click HERE for details and dates/times of all events.
Screenings of "The Chosen" at Fordingbridge Town Hall continue with this, the second episode. Click the image for more details.
Your chance to catch up with screenings of “The Chosen” if you missed the first episode shown at Fordingbridge Town Hall. “I have called you by name” is showing at 4:00pm at Hyde Church Community Centre. Click the image for more details.
This is the first episode of the "The Chosen" that will be shown at Fordingbridge Town Hall. Click the image for more details.
The Institution by The Rt. Revd. Philip Mountstephen, Bishop of Winchester, and the Induction by The Venerable Jean Burgess, Archdeacon of Bournemouth, of The Revd. Luke Wickings will be held at St Mary’s Church, Church Street Fordingbridge at 7:30pm on Wednesday 28th February 2024.
It is with great sadness that we have to report the death of our dear friend and colleague, the Reverend Kate Wilson. So many of us have to be grateful to Kate for her faith, kindness, inspiration, dynamism, and love in her ministry among us. She will leave a huge gap in our common life together.
A Requiem Communion will be held in St Mary’s Church Fordingbridge at 1.30pm on Thursday 23rd November.
A Fair Trade Event will be held at Hyde Church Community Centre on Saturday 4th November from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Christmas cards, Christmas goodies, craft items and groceries will be on sale. Refreshments served.
Help to support the poorest workers in the world and their communities.
Internationally acclaimed singer, songwriter, author and humorous raconteur, Jonathan Veira, star of screen, stage, TV, churches and halls across the globe, from Guildford to Glyndebourne, from Lymington to La Scala, is bringing his entertaining one-man show to us to raise funds for our church, on 7th October. (Click the image for more details).
God’s Acre at Hyde, a celebration of Hyde Church and Churchyard, will be held on Bank Holiday Monday, 29th May from 2pm to 5pm.
Free Entry - Plant Sales - AVCM Stall - Nature, Adventure and Ancestor Trails - Music and Spoken word Concert - Wildlife Photography Exhibition - Free Cream Teas
Join us for some Messy Church Easter fun during the Easter break; crafts, games, story, meal and more. All FREE as part of Avon Valley Community Matters outreach work to support families and their carers. Sign up details above.
Join us to make friends and discuss Christian relationships, followed by a light meal, at this Sunday’s 6 O’ Clock Service.
Join us to discuss Mary and Jesus: the ultimate mother and son relationship. 6pm at St Mary’s Church in Fordinbridge. Followed by free, informal light meal. All welcome!
Join us this Christmas Eve, at 4pm on Saturday 24 December, at St Mary’s Church in Fordingbridge, for this year’s Christingle & Crib Service!
Join us for this year's Christmas Messy Church from 2-5pm on Tuesday 20 December. Please email irenecanton@hotmail.co.uk by 16 December if you would like to come. All welcome! Christmas meal and activities all FREE.