Good News Bible
[B1] A reliable modern translation of the Bible, easily understood by the reader, with illustrations and maps.
First published in 1976
The New English Bible
[B2] This edition was the best available translation of the Greek text of its time. Useful to compare passages.
New Testament published in 1961
The New English Bible with Apocrypha
[B3] This edition was the best available translation of the Greek text of its time. Useful to compare passages.
Published in 1970

New Testament (NIV)
[B4] A small pocket size edition, produced by The Gideons, an association of Christian business and professional men, who believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, and have accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. They place Bibles in hotel guest rooms, alongside the beds in hospitals and also present Bibles to boys and girls at senior schools.
Published in 1974
The Lion Handbook to the Bible
[B5] A full-colour guide to all the books of the Bible, articles by experts, pictures, maps, charts.
David & Pat Alexander (editors)
Women of the Bible with Portraits from Classical Art
[B6] Twenty legendary women of the Bible and their stories.
Women of the Gospels
[B7] The women around Jesus and their role as guides for our own walk with him.
Jesus Lamb of God: Biblical Meditations
[B8] 'David Atkinson’s beautiful and perceptive study into the biblical theme and image of the Lamb of God, takes us deep into the heart of the love of God. There is no better place for us to be as we reflect on the Good News of Easter.’ John Gladwin, Bishop of Guildford.
Thessalonians: How can I be sure?
[B9] 11 Studies for individuals or groups.
'A Lifebuilder Bible Study' published by Scripture Union
Mary: The Lord’s Servant
[B10] 12 Studies for individuals or groups.
'A Lifebuilder Bible Study' published by Scripture Union
Winding Quest: The Heart of the Old Testament in Plain English
[B11] Winding Quest sets out to enable ordinary readers and especially young people to read the Bible with pleasure and understanding. Hence it is written in plain English; its selection and arrangement follow the work of the best modern scholars to make clear what is the heart of the Old Testament, its variety of literary form, its living situation and its present relevance.
Imaginative Contemplations
[B12] Based upon the method of study and reflection recommended by St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, in his book Spiritual Exercises. A series of short meditations based on different incidents of the life of Christ.
Acts: Free to Live
[B13] ‘A study guide on Acts: one of the most exciting and relevant Bible books for Christians today.’
Bible Helps
[B14] These notes are useful to have by you, when reading the Bible.
Gideons International (publisher)
Bible Reading a Beginner’s Guide
[B15] How to enjoy the Bible, to read it by ourselves, discuss it with others, and how to share with new Christians.
Too Deep for Words: Rediscovering Lectio Divina with 500 Scripture Texts for Prayer
[B16] ‘This book is both encouraging and consoling in leading he reader to discover a way to intimacy with God in the simplicity of a childlike reading of God’s Word.’ James Finley
Passionate Christianity: A Journey to The Cross
[B18] Passionate Christianity explores key moments in the Passion as experienced by those caught up in the world-changing events of the last hours of Jesus’ life.
Faith without Hostages: The Cross and Resurrection in our Lives Today
[B19] The themes of Lent and Holy Week and their relevance to our lives today.
Ecclesiastes: The Search for Meaning
[B20] One of the 'Every Day with Jesus Exploring the Bible'