Funeral Services
The clergy of the Parish are very happy to support the families of those who have died by preparing for and officiating at Funeral Services for those who either lived in the parish, or had a strong connection with us.
The Funeral Service can either take place in one of our Churches, followed by burial or cremation, or can be at only the Crematorium or Cemetery Chapel. We are very happy to talk through the possibilities with you.
A number of people like to do some preparation for a Funeral Service in advance, either for themselves or for a member of their family, and the clergy are very happy to meet to discuss the plans you would like to make, either if you are ill and think that you may need a Funeral Service soon, or while you are still well, and are hoping not to need our services in this respect for many years.
Every funeral service is individual, and we would like to work with you to make the service as appropriate a possible for your loved one. Choosing the right words for the service is an important part of that, and we have suggested a number of readings, both scriptural and from other sources, which might be fitting. These are only suggestions, and you might find other appropriate words, or you might prefer to compose something yourselves, either to be read by a member of the family or a friend, or by one of the clergy.
There is more information available on the Church of England website where you can also find supportive information for those organising or attending a Church of England funeral and coping with bereavement. This website helps to raise awareness of all the choices available, and how the church is there for them, every step of the way. It includes a section on how to plan for one’s own funeral ahead of time, and why that’s important. Visitors can find ideas for music and hymns and a step-by-step guide helps people to know what to expect. The website includes a Light a Candle feature which encourages visitors to take a moment to pray for someone and then light a virtual candle, which they can then share on social media.
To give you an idea of the costs involved, select this link for the Church of England Statutory Fees 2018.
Interment of Cremated Remains/Burial of Ashes
The Interment of Cremated Remains (Burial of Ashes) is permitted in:
St Mary’s Fordingbridge Churchyard
St Mary’s Hale Churchyard
St Mary’s Breamore Churchyard
Church of the Ascension, Hyde Churchyard
All those who live within the parish are welcome to have their ashes interred. Those outside the parish, but with a strong connection here, are permitted to inter ashes at the discretion of the Rector.
Ashes are interred loose (i.e., not in a container), and will be placed within a specially dug small grave (i.e., not ‘scattered’)
Other local cemeteries – Enquiries need to be made to the relevant parish or town council:
Hale Civic Cemetery
Woodgreen Civic Cemetery
Stuckton Road Civic Cemetery
If you would like to know more, please contact the Parish Office by email or call 01425 653163.
If you have any questions, use the Contact Form to get in touch with us.
Burial Locations
Burials can take place at:
St Mary’s, Fordingbridge Churchyard, St Mary’s, Breamore Churchyard, Hale Civic Cemetery, Woodgreen Civic Cemetery, Stuckton Road Civic Cemetery, Church of the Holy Ascension, Hyde Churchyard and St Mary’s, Hale Churchyard