Join us at the Church of the Holy Ascension at Hyde


Church of the Holy Ascension, Hyde
Church Lane, Hyde, Fordingbridge, SP6 2QJ

We are committed to being a friendly welcoming church with scriptural based teaching, serving our community. Our aim in worship is to offer a range of styles allowing all to meet with their creator God. Alongside our clergy, we are fortunate to have a team of lay members who serve, particularly in leading worship and pastoral care. We encourage times of fellowship in our Church Centre over coffee or a meal before or after most of our worship, and occasionally our informal services are held in the Church Centre.

Regular Service Pattern

This table gives an overview of the worship pattern. Please check the calendar at the bottom of this page for current details. Some services may be streamed and available to watch on Facebook. Please check Partners for details.

First Sunday

  • 10.00 Holy Communion (contemporary language) followed by coffee and a fair trade stall

Second Sunday

  • 08.15 Holy Communion (traditional language)

  • 09.15 Coffee and Breakfast, all welcome from both services

  • 10.00 Informal worship for all ages

Third Sunday

  • 10.00 Informal morning service followed by coffee

Fourth Sunday

  • 10.00 Holy Communion (contemporary language) followed by coffee

  • 11.45 Discussion time (varied topics and style)

  • 12.45 Bring & Share lunch

Fifth Sunday

  • On this Sunday we normally have a Parish Service at 10 a.m. in one of our churches

Weekday Services

Second Monday

  • 15.30 Messy Church in Church Centre and Church. Fun activities and worship aimed at primary age children and their families

Fourth Wednesday

  • 10.00 Informal Ecumenical Communion celebrated at Frogham Chapel

Everyone is warmly invited to any of these services. For information on this weeks services, please refer to Partners.

Regular Activities

Mens Group: Meets every 2 months at the Old Beams Pub, with a meal and a speaker.

Home Groups: Meet twice a month on Monday and Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings.

Open the Book: At Breamore and Hyde Schools and Fordingbridge School


There is ample parking outside the Church gate. Although the church path is relatively long and sloping, there is level and wheelchair accessible access via the Church Centre entrance (bear right and follow the sign). The Church Centre also has an accessible toilet. Families and children are welcome at all services and there is a children’s area (with some crayons, books and toys etc.) close to the entrance to the Church Centre.
We are currently waiting for a new loop amplifier to be connected to our sound system in church.

The Church of the Holy Ascension, Hyde is open daily for private prayer.

Enquiries concerning bookings for Hyde Church Community Centre (adjacent to the Church) should be addressed to the Booking Officer (Mrs Sylvia Sims) on 07887637048.

Church Open

The Church of the Holy Ascension, Hyde is open daily for private prayer.

Hall Booking

Enquiries concerning bookings for Hyde Church Community Centre (adjacent to the Church) should be addressed to the Booking Officer on 01425 653219.

Upcoming events

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