Who Do You Say I AM?
[W2] From the same publishers as The Servant Queen, this book starts the journey to find the answer to the question.
Evangelism in a Spiritual Age
[W3] Qualitative research, cultural analysis, theological reflection and practical advice.
The History of Christianity: A Lion Handbook
[W4] Originally printed in 1977, this 1983 edition, asks the question: “How has the belief of a handful of persecuted and frightened people in Jerusalem two thousand years ago expanded into a world wide faith, stronger today than ever before?” A colourful, reliable account of this exciting history.
The Art of Angels and Cherubs
[W6] A study of the depiction of Angels and Cherubs in Art over the centuries.
After Alpha: You’ve Been on An Alpha Course - Which Way Now?
[W7] ‘When I was a young Christian, Michael’s books helped me enormously with his customary clarity and warmth of conviction. I am sure this new book will be immensely helpful for many who have recently completed an Alpha course.’ Rob Warner

How Can I be Sure of My Faith?
[W9] This book is taken from the book ‘Alpha - Questions of life’ by Nicky Gumbel, and is a talk on the Alpha course.
Questions of Life
[W10] What is the point of life? What happens when we die? Is forgiveness possible? Who is Jesus? What relevance does he have for our lives today?
Searching Issues
[W11] Tackling seven common objections to the Christian Faith. ‘Incisive, practical, understandable and above all sensible. An invaluable help to those struggling with these issues as well as for those interested in bringing their friends to Christ.’ Sandy Millar
Telling Others: The ALPHA Initiative
[W12] What is the simplest and most effective means of telling others about Jesus Christ? This book gives the answer that one church has found, and which has been taken up by hundreds of churches across the UK and now around the world.
Why Christmas?
[W13] What’s so important about Christmas? Why should people still be celebrating the birth of a baby born 2,000 years ago? Why are so many people excited about Jesus? Why do we need him? Why did he come? Why did he die? The Christmas edition of 'Why Jesus?'
What Every Christian Ought to Know
[W21] A question and answer approach to basic Questions of the Faith.

Encounters: Authentic Experiences of God
[W25] 50 accounts by people who believe they have encountered God.