Luke Wickings Luke Wickings

Books to Borrow Lockdown Delivery Service

Our micro-mini library of just over 90 books, is now available to you via a doorstep service for the remainder of the pandemic. Go to the ‘Books to Borrow’ page and follow the onscreen instructions.


Our micro-mini library of just over 90 books, is now available to you via a doorstep service for the remainder of the pandemic. Go to the ‘Books to Borrow’ page and follow the onscreen instructions. I will deliver to and collect from your home. Books will be sanitised and quarantined for 72 hours before re-circulation. For anyone who has previously borrowed books and needs to return them, would you also kindly contact me so that I can collect them. Thank-you. Gwenda

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Luke Wickings Luke Wickings

The Joy of Prayer - Colours and Doodles Monday, February 22nd, 8-9pm

The Joy of Prayer is an occasional online series designed especially for those who find prayer dull, boring, frustrating or guilt-inducing.

The Joy of Prayer is an occasional online series designed especially for those who find prayer dull, boring, frustrating or guilt-inducing. In this second session we’ll experiment with the use of colour in reflection and prayer – and we’ll try Bible-doodling. No artistic ability required – just a willingness to have a go, and to reflect on your experience afterwards. Led – on Zoom – by the Revd Sally Dakin, Spirituality Adviser Enquires to Bookings to

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Luke Wickings Luke Wickings

Bishop’s Permission to Preach

The Diocese will soon be opening for applications for the Bishop’s Permission to Preach (BPP) programme for 2021-2022, which starts in September 2021.


The Diocese will soon be opening for applications for the Bishop’s Permission to Preach (BPP) programme for 2021-2022, which starts in September 2021. If this is something you are interested in, you might like to prayerfully consider the following information. Application dates and information about the process will be available in the next month or so.

People trained through the BPP programme are able to preach on a regular basis at the discretion of their incumbent. The qualification recognises their calling to this ministry and is affirmed by the Bishop of Winchester. You will need to have a love for God’s word and a desire to build up God’s people through teaching and preaching. All applicants will need to have the recommendation of their incumbent to take this training. We have an online open information evening later in the Spring, for those who are interested in finding out more. We will explain the details of the course, the expectations upon you, and there will be an opportunity to hear from someone who took BPP last year. There will also be plenty of time to ask your own questions to help you decide whether BPP is for you. Please note there are limited places on this programme and a selection process is in place. If you have any questions please contact Wendy Atkinson:

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Luke Wickings Luke Wickings


Are you interested in leading Worship, or Pastoral Care, or Care of the Environment, or helping Others to Pray? If so, this might be for you …

Are you a lay person? Would you like some input for your existing
ministry, or do you feel that God might be calling you to serve in some new way? More interested in learning from otherswho are passionate about their ministry than in getting a formal qualification? Want help to see how your sense of calling might grow, or how you might develop your ministry? Then Bishop’s Commission for Mission could be for you.

The Bishop’s Commission for Mission, which will be delivered on-line in the Autumn, is a great way to explore a new area, and see whether that is where you are being called.

There are introductory and closing sessions, and six evenings, all on-line.

In the autumn we are offering Creation Care, Prayer Champions, Pastoral and Worship.

It would be great if we could fill those courses to their limit with people from the AVC.

(And, eventually, when our new Worship Pattern (originally planned to be launched on May 1st) begins, if we are to sustain that pattern, we need lots of Lay Worship Leaders -at least 5 new ones, and preferably more!!!)

Full details and dates of the Autumn 2020 Programme, with dates, are here:


Videos explaining the 4 BCM Streams are here:


If you think any of this might be for you, talk to Gary or any of the Staff Team – and we can put you in touch with some of our current dozen or so BCMs so you can see whether this might be the right next step for you.

Canon Gary Philbrick

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