Fairtrade Coffee Mornings are Back!

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Fairtrade Coffee Mornings are back!

Please join us from 10.30am to 12pm on the last Friday of every month (except December when it’s the 2nd Friday) at St Boniface Woodgreen.

Come and meet old friends and new and discover the wide range of fairly-traded goods available from Traidcraft and others.

Coffee, tea, biscuits, chocolate and much more.

Dates for the rest of this year are:

24 September 2021

29 October 2021

26 November 2021 &

10 December.2021

Everyone welcome!

#fairtradecoffeemorning #fairtradecoffee #fairtrade #fairtradeproducts #avonvalleychurches #avcfamilies #avcreachingouttoall


Covid Practices: Worship in October/November


CONSULTATION : Avon Valley Churches becoming one Parish